Ending female genital mutation

Mojatu Women works with FGM survivors and communities affected by FGM in safeguarding girls and women at risk of FGM and supporting the survivor. We engage these individuals, communities and other partners and stakeholders in raising awareness and tackling FGM, in the UK and Internationally.

FGM survivors support and intervention

We provide support to FGM survivors through training, confidence building, 1-1 counselling, support in accessing health, social and legal services and in signposting them to access support which is beyond our capacity. We support them to become the drivers in ending FGM by empowering them through confidence building, networking, and in sharing their stories and experiences. We provide safe space, skills, networks, confidence building and systems and structures necessary for these individuals and communities with lived experiences of the impacts of FGM to join hands and act towards tackling FGM.


European Commission


28 Aug 2020


Volunteering, Environment

Community based and led approach

Our community-based and community-led approach entails training, supporting and empowering the communities, especially those affected by FGM and where it is practiced – to become the leaders in ending FGM. We provide training to community and religious leaders, youth, and men to and enable them to gain confidence, understanding, networks and resources necessary to advocate change and lead the campaign towards ending FGM in their communities.